Mass DWI Laws

Posted by the Hunter | 6:51 PM | , | 0 comments »

My Mass DUI experience happened a few years ago. I was coming from a boys’ night out and had had some shots, and too much tequila. While I was driving my Mustang in the suburbs in Massachusetts, the alcohol really hit me and I blacked out. The next thing I knew, my car’s headlights were pointed in front of a tree just around the block from where I lived. I could hear sirens and the Mass DUI patrol officers came and asked me if I was fine and to step out of the car.

The officer made me stand on one leg but I couldn’t balance and fell. I also failed the Mass DUI field breath test that was given to me. I was then taken into custody and I called up my best friend to help me out. Since it was already 2am, he wasn’t able to contact a DUI attorney immediately. My friend was at least able to bail me out.

I was able to meet with a DUI attorney that was referred to my friend. I pleaded guilty because of the positive test results of the sobriety and breath tests I took. My Mass DUI lawyer told me that my case would have had a better chance if I didn’t agree to the sobriety test. Mass DUI laws revoked my license for one month and my DUI verdict is now on my permanent record. I will never forgive myself for that one careless mistake. Should you be in a similar dilemma, call your lawyer. This can avert a much bigger damage with a DUI incident that could potentially ruin your life.